MTCT | Transportation


The College is situated along the Tumu – Navrongo high way and about 1 km from the heart of the Tumu Township.

Students find commuting to and from the campus very easy as a result of its proximity to the town. Most students move around and into the town not needing any form of transportation. There are also provision shops, mini marts and printing/photocopying shops and restaurants around the campus that provide services to the students hence reducing the need for students to frequently get into town.

That notwithstanding, some students prefer to commute around the township using Taxi tricycles (Known locally as ‘Candoo’ or ‘Pragea’) which is the commonest means of transport in the town.

During specific periods of the academic semester, students are required to undertake clinical practice at the Tumu Municipal Hospital in the middle of academic work. Transportation from campus to the hospital during such periods is mostly provided by the college. The college mostly deploys buses to send students to the hospital and to bring them back to campus upon close of their shifts.

In some cases, students are required to undertake between eight to ten weeks of clinical practice in a specific area of midwifery at some selected facilities within the upper west, upper east and north east and northern regions. During such periods, the college also provides transportation for students to get to the selected health facilities and upon the completion of the clinical practice they are brought back to campus.